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今すぐBlack ops 4を購入する
Black Opsが帰ってきた!流れるような動きと地に足の着いた戦闘描写のマルチプレイヤー。ゾンビモードは史上最多、ローンチ時から3つのストーリーが収録されます。そしてCall of Duty史上初、Black Opsの世界が1つの巨大なバトルロワイヤルの混沌と化すBlackoutでは、これまでの武器やマップ、キャラクターなどBlack Opsの代名詞となる要素を過去最大のスケールで楽しむことが出来ます。
戦いへ戻る準備は出来ているか - 全てのBlack Opsファンに捧げます。
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience featuring the largest map in Call of Duty history, signature Black Ops combat, characters, locations and weapons from the entire Black Ops series.
Soldier up for all-out combat – tailor made for the Black Ops community.
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience featuring the largest map in Call of Duty history, signature Black Ops combat, characters, locations and weapons from the entire Black Ops series.
Soldier up for all-out combat – tailor made for the Black Ops community.
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience.
Black Ops Pass delivers the ultimate Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 experience. The Black Ops Pass features epic content for every Call of Duty fan, ranging from new Multiplayer maps and gear, exclusive Blackout characters, and exciting new Zombies experiences – all for one great price.
Also includes $30 in bonus value with 1,000 Call of Duty® Points and 300 Nebulium Plasma to give fans more opportunity to customize their Black Ops 4 experience and survive epic waves of Zombies.
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience.
Black Ops Pass delivers the ultimate Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 experience. The Black Ops Pass features epic content for every Call of Duty fan, ranging from new Multiplayer maps and gear, exclusive Blackout characters, and exciting new Zombies experiences – all for one great price.
Also includes $30 in bonus value with 1,000 Call of Duty® Points and 300 Nebulium Plasma to give fans more opportunity to customize their Black Ops 4 experience and survive epic waves of Zombies.
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience.
Black Ops Pass delivers the ultimate Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 experience. The Black Ops Pass features epic content for every Call of Duty fan, ranging from new Multiplayer maps and gear, exclusive Blackout characters, and exciting new Zombies experiences – all for one great price.
Also includes $30 in bonus value with 1,000 Call of Duty® Points and 300 Nebulium Plasma to give fans more opportunity to customize their Black Ops 4 experience and survive epic waves of Zombies.
Black OpsパスでCall of Duty®: Black Ops 4の新コンテンツをプレイ可能*! Black Opsパス所有者は、「作戦名: アポカリプスZ」のエキサイティングな3種類のマルチプレイヤーマップに即座にアクセスできます。「Der Schatten」で善悪のはざまで揺れる戦場を体験し、「Remnant」でゾンビをテーマにした博物館で戦い、リマスター化された「Havana」マップで冷戦時代のキューバを舞台に激戦を繰り広げましょう。また最新の「Alpha Omega」では、今まで味わったことのないゾンビ体験を楽しめます。
Black Opsパス*の収録内容:
作戦サバイバーパック。最新の作戦に特化した、Black Ops 4を自分好みに楽しめる新たなギアを含みます。
流れるような動きと地に足の着いた戦闘描写が魅力の「マルチプレイヤー」。史上最多となる4つのストーリーを楽しめる、アンデッドとの戦いを描いた冒険譚「ゾンビモード」。そして、Black Opsの世界が2つの巨大なバトルロイヤルの混沌と化す「BLACKOUT」、これら全てがBlack Ops 4に収録されています。
Black Opsの世界が巨大なバトルロイヤルと化すBLACKOUTでは、Call of Dutyシリーズ史上最大級のマップを舞台に、Black Opsならではの戦闘が楽しめます。
「作戦名: アポカリプスZ」は、これからCall of Duty®: Black Ops 4を始めるという方には絶好のチャンスです。アクション満載の最新の作戦で、華々しいデビューを飾りましょう。
ステップ1: エディションを選択
ステップ2: プラットフォームを選択
ステップ3: 地域を選択
ステップ4: 販売店を選択
Black Opsが帰ってきた!流れるような動きと地に足の着いた戦闘描写のマルチプレイヤー。ゾンビモードは史上最多、ローンチ時から3つのストーリーが収録されます。そしてCall of Duty史上初、Black Opsの世界が1つの巨大なバトルロワイヤルの混沌と化すBlackoutでは、これまでの武器やマップ、キャラクターなどBlack Opsの代名詞となる要素を過去最大のスケールで楽しむことが出来ます。
戦いへ戻る準備は出来ているか - 全てのBlack Opsファンに捧げます。
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience featuring the largest map in Call of Duty history, signature Black Ops combat, characters, locations and weapons from the entire Black Ops series.
Soldier up for all-out combat – tailor made for the Black Ops community.
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience featuring the largest map in Call of Duty history, signature Black Ops combat, characters, locations and weapons from the entire Black Ops series.
Soldier up for all-out combat – tailor made for the Black Ops community.
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience.
Black Ops Pass delivers the ultimate Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 experience. The Black Ops Pass features epic content for every Call of Duty fan, ranging from new Multiplayer maps and gear, exclusive Blackout characters, and exciting new Zombies experiences – all for one great price.
Also includes $30 in bonus value with 1,000 Call of Duty® Points and 300 Nebulium Plasma to give fans more opportunity to customize their Black Ops 4 experience and survive epic waves of Zombies.
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience.
Black Ops Pass delivers the ultimate Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 experience. The Black Ops Pass features epic content for every Call of Duty fan, ranging from new Multiplayer maps and gear, exclusive Blackout characters, and exciting new Zombies experiences – all for one great price.
Also includes $30 in bonus value with 1,000 Call of Duty® Points and 300 Nebulium Plasma to give fans more opportunity to customize their Black Ops 4 experience and survive epic waves of Zombies.
Black Ops is back! Featuring gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombies offering ever with three full undead adventures at launch, and Blackout, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience.
Black Ops Pass delivers the ultimate Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 experience. The Black Ops Pass features epic content for every Call of Duty fan, ranging from new Multiplayer maps and gear, exclusive Blackout characters, and exciting new Zombies experiences – all for one great price.
Also includes $30 in bonus value with 1,000 Call of Duty® Points and 300 Nebulium Plasma to give fans more opportunity to customize their Black Ops 4 experience and survive epic waves of Zombies.
Black OpsパスでCall of Duty®: Black Ops 4の新コンテンツをプレイ可能*! Black Opsパス所有者は、「作戦名: アポカリプスZ」のエキサイティングな3種類のマルチプレイヤーマップに即座にアクセスできます。「Der Schatten」で善悪のはざまで揺れる戦場を体験し、「Remnant」でゾンビをテーマにした博物館で戦い、リマスター化された「Havana」マップで冷戦時代のキューバを舞台に激戦を繰り広げましょう。また最新の「Alpha Omega」では、今まで味わったことのないゾンビ体験を楽しめます。
Black Opsパス*の収録内容:
作戦サバイバーパック。最新の作戦に特化した、Black Ops 4を自分好みに楽しめる新たなギアを含みます。
流れるような動きと地に足の着いた戦闘描写が魅力の「マルチプレイヤー」。史上最多となる4つのストーリーを楽しめる、アンデッドとの戦いを描いた冒険譚「ゾンビモード」。そして、Black Opsの世界が2つの巨大なバトルロイヤルの混沌と化す「BLACKOUT」、これら全てがBlack Ops 4に収録されています。
Black Opsの世界が巨大なバトルロイヤルと化すBLACKOUTでは、Call of Dutyシリーズ史上最大級のマップを舞台に、Black Opsならではの戦闘が楽しめます。
「作戦名: アポカリプスZ」は、これからCall of Duty®: Black Ops 4を始めるという方には絶好のチャンスです。アクション満載の最新の作戦で、華々しいデビューを飾りましょう。
*Black Ops Pass (BOP) content is not final, is subject to change, and may not include all downloadable content available for the game. BOP content may not be available in all countries, and pricing and release dates may vary by platform. BOP content should be downloaded from the in-game store only; do not purchase separately, or you will be charged again. BOP content may be sold separately.
**Call of Duty®: Points (CP) will be accessible in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 once CP are made available in game.
†Based on Call of Duty Points suggested retail price.
*Black Ops Pass (BOP) content is not final, is subject to change, and may not include all downloadable content available for the game. BOP content may not be available in all countries, and pricing and release dates may vary by platform. BOP content should be downloaded from the in-game store only; do not purchase separately, or you will be charged again. BOP content may be sold separately.
**Call of Duty®: Points (CP) will be accessible in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 once CP are made available in game.
†Based on Call of Duty Points suggested retail price.
*Black Ops Pass (BOP) content is not final, is subject to change, and may not include all downloadable content available for the game. BOP content may not be available in all countries, and pricing and release dates may vary by platform. BOP content should be downloaded from the in-game store only; do not purchase separately, or you will be charged again. BOP content may be sold separately.
**Call of Duty®: Points (CP) will be accessible in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 once CP are made available in game.
†Based on Call of Duty Points suggested retail price.
*Black Opsパス(BOP)のコンテンツは変更される場合があり、本作で利用可能な全てのダウンロード コンテンツが含まれるとは限りません。BOPのコンテンツは個別に販売される場合があります。別途料金が発生するコンテンツを個別に購入しないよう、ご注意ください。